〉 Karriere 〉 Offene Stellen 〉
All about
Meaningful, sustainable, agile. Connected, innovative, modern. Unique, dynamic, international.Our products enable emergency services to save lives. All in an unique and international family business. We create solutions with sustainable benefits, high-availability and innovative technical solutions for control rooms all over the world. Customers such as the Dutch Ministry of Safety and Justice (Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie), professional fire brigades, police, industrial companies and large international airports are part of our customer portfolio and rely on our products and solutions.
Your tasks
- After a comprehensive familiarization period with our company and our products, you will be the first point of contact for our Dutch customers.
- You will be responsible for providing technical advice on our products at the customer’s site and ensure the optimum selection of our products.
- Together with our customers, you will develop the requirements and translate them for our development department.
- In the course of the implementation, you will ensure a smooth transition to the productive system and accompany our customers during this process.
- Through the ongoing exchange with our customers, you know their needs and proactively address development potentials.
- A completed IT and / or technical-oriented education (college / university) and over 2 years of professional experience in a similar role qualify you.
- You bring highly developed analytical skills, knowledge and experience in requirements engineering and testing.
- Business trips are a welcome variation for you.
- You are able to communicate in Dutch and English fluently, knowledge of German is an advantage.
We offer
- Employment: full time
- Workplace: Utrecht Area
- Business trips: 30 - 60 % inside the Netherlands; 10 - 15 % to the HQ in Austria
- Open and friendly working atmosphere
- Enable emergency services to save lives
- Active participation
- Latest methods and technologies
Your benefits
- The result of your work supports emergency services
- Work-life balance through FlexTime and remote office
- Corporate health programs and company events
- Knowledge transfer through TechTalks and our in-house academy
- A future in a crisis-proof company
- Comprehensive training period
Das erwartet dich bei Uns
Du interessierst dich für einen Job und willst wissen wie es bei uns hinter den Kulissen aussieht? Wie es hinter der Eingangstür aussieht oder wie dein zukünftiges Büro aussehen könnte? Dann bist du genau richtig in unserer Gallery >>#schaffenwir Kampagne der WKÖ
Im Rahmen der österreichweiten Kampagne #schaffenwir der WKÖ featured auch eurofunk einen Spot in dem wir zeigen was Unternehmertum in Österreich bedeutet und welchen Beitrag für die Gesellschaft wir als Familienunternehmen aus dem Salzburger Land dazu leisten. Das Video findest du hier >>Benefits
Ein gutes Miteinander und Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe ist uns wichtig! Außerdem wissen wir, dass gute Mitarbeiter*innen nicht auf Bäumen wachsen und bieten daher auch rundherum einiges an. Interessiert? Dann klick dich durch die Benefits >>Neugierig?
Dann übermittle uns deine individuelle Bewerbung - gern mit Referenzen zu deinen Projekthighlights! Wir freuen uns immer wieder neue Charakterköpfe im Team begrüßen zu können - vielleicht zählst du schon bald dazu!
eurofunk KAPPACHER GmbH
eurofunk-Straße 1 - 8 / 5600 St. Johann im Pongau/Austria
+43 57 112 - 0 Online bewerben