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All about
Meaningful, sustainable, agile. Connected, innovative, modern. Unique, dynamic, international.
With 360°-communication and control center solutions we create safety in the field of public safety, industry and transport. In the symbiosis of innovation, quality and state-of-the-art technology with sustainable benefits we create highly available, innovative technical solutions for emergency call responding, resource management and alerting.
Your tasks
  • You develop Java services for our next generation control center solutions
  • You bring several years of experience with Java technologies, or similar, and the design of software architectures as well as with different backend frameworks
  • You ensure high product stability and product quality
  • You actively participate in planning, implementation and continuous improvement
  • You work in a cross-functional team in an agile environment
  • You are experienced in contributing architectural decisions
  • You have fun supporting and challenging your team and identify yourself with our products as well as motivate your colleagues with your enthusiasm
  • You are a proactive team player who is also able to work independently
Your benefits
  • Place of work: St. Johann/Pg. / Hagenberg / Linz / Salzburg City / Berlin
  • Employment: Part / Full-time: 25-38,5 h - as of now
  • Business trips: max. 10%
  • Open-minded and family-friendly working environment in a young, motivated team
  • Active participation in product design in an agile environment
  • Contribution to improving our future development and processes
  • The result of your work supports emergency services such as fire brigade, ambulance and police
  • Secure future in a successful and crisis-proof company
  • Work-life balance through flexible working hours and remote work
  • Tech.Talks, eurofunk Academy, company events, corporate health programs
  • Sustainability measures
We offer
Due to legal requirements, we are obliged to point out that the collective agreement minimum salary for this position starts at a gross annual salary at around €54,000. We offer an overpayment (even significant ones) which is based on your individual qualifications and professional experience.
Become part of our extraordinary team in a future-proof company and help to save lives!

Das erwartet dich bei Uns


Du interessierst dich für einen Job und willst wissen wie es bei uns hinter den Kulissen aussieht? Wie es hinter der Eingangstür aussieht oder wie dein zukünftiges Büro aussehen könnte? Dann bist du genau richtig in unserer Gallery >>

#schaffenwir Kampagne der WKÖ

Im Rahmen der österreichweiten Kampagne #schaffenwir der WKÖ featured auch eurofunk einen Spot in dem wir zeigen was Unternehmertum in Österreich bedeutet und welchen Beitrag für die Gesellschaft wir als Familienunternehmen aus dem Salzburger Land dazu leisten. Das Video findest du hier >>


Ein gutes Miteinander und Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe ist uns wichtig! Außerdem wissen wir, dass gute Mitarbeiter*innen nicht auf Bäumen wachsen und bieten daher auch rundherum einiges an. Interessiert? Dann klick dich durch die Benefits >>


Dann übermittle uns deine individuelle Bewerbung - gern mit Referenzen zu deinen Projekthighlights! Wir freuen uns immer wieder neue Charakterköpfe im Team begrüßen zu können - vielleicht zählst du schon bald dazu!

eurofunk KAPPACHER GmbH

eurofunk-Straße 1 - 8 / 5600 St. Johann im Pongau/Austria

+43 57 112 - 0 Online bewerben

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