AI in the control center environment – hype or added value?

If reporting on the subject is any indication, the number of projects benefitting from artificial intelligence (AI) is on the rise. We are pleased to observe this phenomenon in research projects that eurofunk is involved in as well; AI is opening up new possibilities and alternative approaches to standard solutions.
From the first moments of our existence, humans absorb vast amounts of information, every second, through our sensory organs. We process this information, either consciously or unconsciously, using the knowledge we gain in our future actions and decision-making. Similarly, the systems used in control centers (communication and incident management systems) record large amounts of information from every call or incident which is handled. Until now, this has been earmarked mainly for statistical purposes.

AI: What is it all about?
The human brain is still not fully understood. We know that it can store large amounts of information and carry out calculated decision-making processes with the aid of training and guidance. Similarly, machines and computers equipped with AI are „fed“ with large amounts of information (machine learning) and, over time, they develop the ability to make recommendations and self-validated, autonomous decisions. This is what the AI learning process is all about.
Artificial intelligence is now so advanced that it can independently generate images or videos of non-existent persons or objects, autonomously write entire newspaper articles or communicate with people in a deceptively realistic way (chatbots). The area in which most advances have been made is image and speech analysis. AI has already found its way into our homes and into our working environment, making everyday life that bit easier and safer.
Despite the increasing number of data interfaces and sensors connected to the „information broker“ control center, verbal communication is still used to accept and process most incidents. The natural follow-on is to consider how emergency call and incident processing can be optimized with the help of speech analysis and transcription (e.g. speech-to-text) to the benefit of both caller and call taker.
eurofunk is currently working on a solution that uses both onsite and cloud-based speech analysis to simplify and streamline emergency call acceptance and processing. While the operator concentrates fully on the call, AI can deal with the simultaneous conversion of the spoken content to text. The addition of foreign languages and local language translation is also planned. Using keywords (e.g. address) AI will automatically recognize and insert information into the appropriate data fi eld. The software will analyze the content of an on-going conversation and suggest suitable indicators or keywords. Life-threatening illnesses will be identified and flagged up to the operator. AI will also give the operator suggestions for the collation of further important information to assist with the progress of a call.
Creativity and spontaneity remain human strengths
In spite of all the technological progress and support provided by AI, the role of people in the control center environment will remain. Human creativity and the ability to adapt spontaneously to new situations are skills which a computer or machine will not be able to master readily. Even with a standardized and well-structured emergency call acceptance procedure, emergency call processing cannot be carried out without people. There will always be exceptional situations requiring human creativity and intuition.
Follow the links to try out speech-to-text for yourself:
Google Speech-to-Text
Microsoft voice recognition
Would you like to help us enrich the AI experience in control centers?
Are you prepared to make emergency call data available to us for “learning” purposes?
If so, then please get in touch with me!